Monday, June 16, 2008

well, i guess someone has decided to pack up his ball and go home.

such a cop out.

bait and switch, bait and switch.

phreak out, eh?

cute. admit to everything.

renag and repent.


i'll be around.

you were shit.


Unknown said...

Hey so I didn't watch the MMVA's... but I'm curious as to what the dramatic conclusion to Mr. Phreak was... anyone kindly care to explain?

Expert said...

he never said anything, I didn't watch the show (I have better things to do). But I checked the site now, it's a final video roundup of all his videos and a few video clips of people who supported or criticized him. It shows the MMVA clips, with a closeup on that one VJ everyone thought it was. Then it says "You were beauitful, you were unique, you were sexy, you were right" and then says insert branding here.

It's not exactly clear and lacks finality or any sense of closure. But I think it's over and I'm quite sure that the you were right indicates that yes much wasn't hacked, and yes we were right about this guerilla advertising.

Well it was nice talking to you CVJ - guess it's all over and with it the paranoia and speculation. Sadly so many idiots got pulled into this.

Shea said...

Nothing happened? Damn. I was hoping to do a follow up analysis of this whole bloody thing. Guess I still could with a "How not to end it" approach.

Honestly, though. Did anyone believe that they were going to do anything big? There was too much alternate advertising for other things going on with the MMVAs after they realized the phreak was a sinking ship. They were already burying him well before. Still, would have been nice to have something. Much Music's site going down or being redirected to the blog with a video saying "So long, motherfuckers!" or something.

Side note: "Motherfucker" is a legitimate word according to Firefox.

I sort of watched the MMVAs admittedly. My brother and I watched the scrolling comments during the red carpet (Our favourites being "I am a purple dinosaur" and "I like cheese") and then forgot the television was even on. That is until NKOTB came on, which was when I started demanding why they were on TV and changed the channel.

Unknown said...

thanks for all the comments guys...

i was expecting something. i mean, particularly after they started hyping really hard about how the phreak WAS going to hack the MMVAs, cause much made a contest about him.

what happened to the phind the phreak contest anyway?

Unknown said...

I cannot believe this is over... there is no way they could just end it this abruptly. I saw about 25 seconds of the MMVA's and there were "Hacks" right before the commercials and right before an award was announced... And there was this "team" of people trying to locate the phreak... but as I said I only saw long enough to catch to occurrences of this and it was at the beginning... Does anyone know how that ended? Did that "team" phind the phreak?

sweet_heat said...

Here's my radical conspiracy theory: It was all Much Music damage control for a real hacking a couple of months ago. I know this probably sounds crazy, but here me out.

I've been following this for a long time and I've been banging my head against the wall. Literally for months. The Polybius site? That was NOT Much Music. What the hell was it? I thought there would be a prize or something inside. Nothing but camera feeds like the one he posted a week or so later. Dead end.

When was the last "hack"? Weeks and weeks ago. They took him "off the air" and covered it up with a contest they threw together and a "hacker" theme for the MMVAs. The phreak never came out and said "right, they found my router and cut off my access". He kept it going and said he was going to hack the MMVAs. Smoke & mirrors. The Devon thing? Maybe Much Music posted that rumor to make us believe it all.

Much Music played along and got a huge boost from all the viewer interest. The hacker played right along back at them all the way. There's no other theory that explains it all.

The video clips on the MMVA graphics? Much Music grabbed them off the phreak's YouTube site. Of course. That's where we all saw them. Much Music isn't stupid, they snapped them right up. He boasted he'd hack the MMVAs, they did it for him.

The MMVA passes he placed around town? How hard could it have been to steal a handful of passes? I don't know what he would have to gain by handing them out, but isn't that his M.O.? Sending people on wild goose chases? Like sending people phreak masks and watching the results.